This online privacy policy applies solely to the information gathered through our website. By using our website you agree to the online privacy policy here exposed. We reserve the right to make any changes to this policy at any given time, in which case, the new changes will be reflected in this section, it is the responsibility of the website visitor to review the current privacy policy at the time of the purchase.
What kind of information we collect?
By registering or buying in our website, we can request a variety of data in order for us to offer you a better service, this data may include: Your full name, address e-mail, full address and zip code., telephone number and debit or credit card.
How do we implement your information?
All the collected information may be used in any of the following ways: To process transactions. Your information (Private or public) will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given away to any other company that drifts away from any reason than the express purpose of delivering an acquired product or requested service. To send e-mails periodically. The electronic mail that you provided for order processing can be used to send information and updates regarding the order, besides receiving occasionally notification related to Bang: Updates, promotions, information regarding related products, etc. If you wish to quit receiving e-mails, we included a button to cancel the subscription at any time.
Do we disclose information to third parties?
We don't sell, exchange or transfer your personal data to third parties. The use of this information is exclusively for selling and sending products, promo information and updates.
Third Parties links
From time to time we can include links to third parties on our website. Is the responsibility of the visitor to visit these websites and/or giving away their personal information.